



Teachers and Translators

Teachers and Translators

En rebaja ¡En rebaja!

Autor: Bulleraich, Graciela

Editorial: CTPCBA

ISBN: 978-987-1763-17-7

  • Páginas 110 p.
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Edición 2016
  • Tapa Rústica
  • Peso 0,197kg

50 artículos disponibles

Teachers and Translators. Enhancing their Reading and Writing Skills recommends that language teachers incorporate the reading and writing connection together with the influence of L1 culture as essential elements to achieve textual competence in the target language. The use of challenging magazine and newspaper articles with post-intermediate and advanced language learners has always been a priority in ESP (English for Specific Purposes). The purpose is to activate students' background knowledge, consolidate their critical thinking skills, raise their awareness in relation to varieties of English, figures of speech and coinages and, at the same time, encourage classroom research in such fields as journalese, legal and business English. Expository essay-writing is also incorporated in the course, following such patterns as the Comparison and Contrast essay and the Classification form.

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